Poker hand called the nuts

Definition of Nuts - Poker King

Here is an example of a seasoned poker player describing a hand to a friend: ... An unbeatable hand is often called “the Brazils” and “a lock”. ... and there are two hearts on the flop, you have nine outs to the nut flush – the remaining nine ... Can You Find The Perfect Poker Hand? Can You Shut This Infernal ... Apr 13, 2018 ... ... a perfectionist, and you're only interested in making the best possible hand once the board has been dealt — such a hand is called the “nuts. Texas Hold'em Poker Hands explained, What do the hands mean in ... Poker Hand: Royal Flush. The absolute nuts, also called a Royal Routine, A Royal Flush can not be beaten. Ace to the 10 in suit. The art is to get your opponents ...

Why Do We Call The Best Poker Hand Possible 'The Nuts?'

Poker Terms - Big Fish Blog Dealers will often say “action to you” when it is your turn to check, bet or call. ... holding a strong hand; Bankroll: The money a player reserves for poker purposes , .... Nuts: The best possible hand considering the community cards on the board  ... Poker Odds: How to play a flush draw | Poker School | Paul Phua An Ace on the flop often gives you the best hand, though be prepared to fold to ... You will likely take all their money if you hit your nut flush – thus being paid several ... Some people are “calling stations” who will call almost any bet with a pair. Why Is the Best Hand Called the Nuts? - Flushdraw Poker - Online Poker News, Views and Updates -

Origin of "the nuts" - General Poker - CardsChat™

Oct 26, 2008 · Best Answer: Nuts means the best possible hand. So, with a A-4-5 of clubs out there, someone with K-2 of clubs would have the "nut flush". If the flop was 9-10-Q, someone with J-K flopped the nuts. The Nuts Poker Term - Have The Nuts - Winning Poker Hand Holding the nuts is an enviable spot to be in, but it is important to recognize that all nut hands are not created equal. If you make a nut hand that nobody else can even tie, you have “the exclusive nuts.” An example of this would be if you were playing Hold’em and … What's the Nuts? - Poker Beginners Guide In poker, the best possible hand for any arrangement of cards is known as the 'nuts'. Sometimes you will be fortunate enough to hold the nut hand after all the cards have been dealt. In that case you would be in a completely unbeatable position. Hand Analysis: It's Not Always Enough to Flop the Nuts Flopping the nuts makes poker seem easy. But maximizing value thereafter can require some effort. Gareth Chantler analyzes a hand in which a player has to consider slow playing after flopping huge.

Nuts - The best possible holding given the situation. When a player makes the best hand possible it is commonly referred to as “the nuts.” When a player makes the nuts, the term “nut” is often used as an adjective to describe the hand that was made.

The nuts are the best possible hand based upon the community cards that are on the board. There is are only a few conceivable situations whereThe turn card comes and you still have your quads which is still the nuts. You check hoping that the other player either made something or will try to buy the pot. Casino Boss Soft Plays the Nuts in partypoker Big Game The hand occured during a €100/€200 hand of NLHE. After an under the gun straddle from Ankin of Germany to €400 Tsourkernik bet €3,000 with and was called by Rob Yong in the cut-offSoft-playing the nuts is generally frowned upon at the poker table, and often the casino rules will be such that a... The Nuts Poker Term - Have The Nuts - Winning Poker Hand Nuts in Poker - Nut Hand. by Jesse Knight.This is not necessarily the case for all nut hands in all poker games. If you play hi/lo split games, like Omaha Eight or BetterWhen you cannot win the high side of the pot, and you have to share the low side with another player, it is called “getting quartered.”

Poker Terms & Definitions - Poker Glossary of Terms

Poker Slang - Online Poker Slang from Poker Terms Airball is a term used by poker player when they have managed to miss their perceived outs in a hand. Ajax. Ajax is poker slang for a starting hand with one ace and one jack. It's called Ajax because Ace-Jack and the popular cleaner sound very similar. All in the Flop Buddy

What's the Nuts? - Poker Beginners Guide - The Hendon Mob In poker, the best possible hand for any arrangement of cards is known as the 'nuts'. Sometimes you will be fortunate enough to hold the nut hand after all the ... Why Is the Best Hand Called the Nuts? - Aug 13, 2015 ... Some poker lingo is weird. Nuts, even. Let's take a look at how some poker terms originated. Flop the Nuts Definition Poker - Poker King Flop the Nuts Definition - what does the term flop the nuts mean in poker? What is the ... In poker, "flopping the nuts" refers to when a player flops the absolute best hand. Definition ... You look down at 5d-7d and decide to make the call. The SB ... When you flop the nuts but the Poker Gods are laughing! - YouTube